Tangle Network achieves Substrate BPM2

Tangle Network achieves Substrate BPM2

We are thrilled to announce that Tangle Network has completed Milestone #2 of the Substrate Builders Program by Parity Technologies. After accomplishing Milestone #1 in January 2023, we have extended our support for new Substrate features and released the latest version of Tangle on Github.

Enhancing Cross-Chain Communication

Our core vision is to deliver privacy for everything, everywhere and for everyone.  The Tangle network— our threshold signature scheme (TSS) blockchain, stands out due to its dual functionality: it not only routes cross-chain messages but also acts as an anchor for cross-chain zero-knowledge applications, beginning with our Hubble Bridge. This distinct combination allows Tangle to provide secure and private communication between different blockchains, but also improves privacy through connecting to a larger pool of transactions than one chain alone.

Exciting Developments Ahead

As we move forward into Milestone #3, we have an ambitious roadmap that includes integrating new assets and blockchain networks, refining our platform, and enhancing the overall experience for our users— all open source.

We are grateful for the guidance and support we have received from the Substrate Builders Program and the blockchain community whose feedback and encouragement fuel our passion for developing cutting-edge solutions that empower users to explore the world of decentralized cross-chain communication securely and efficiently.

About Parity

Parity Technologies is a leading blockchain infrastructure company focused on driving innovation in the industry through its flagship projects - Substrate and Polkadot. Substrate provides developers with a flexible development framework to create custom blockchains that are interoperable, scalable, and secure. Meanwhile, Polkadot enables the interoperability of different blockchains, fostering a more connected and efficient blockchain ecosystem. With its innovative approach and commitment to creating a better world, Parity Technologies is inspiring a new generation of blockchain enthusiasts and driving the industry towards a decentralized and equitable future.

About Substrate Builders Program

The Substrate Builders Program is a Parity Technologies initiative designed to identify, support, and mentor current and potential Substrate-related projects. By providing participating teams with comprehensive assistance and advice, as well as access to Parity's extensive resources in a systematic manner, the program enables these teams to develop their projects more efficiently and effectively.

Through the Substrate Builders Program, Parity Technologies is helping to drive innovation in the blockchain industry. By providing developers with the tools they need to build custom blockchains that are interoperable, scalable, and secure, the program is fostering a more connected and efficient blockchain ecosystem. The support offered through the program is empowering developers and entrepreneurs to turn their innovative ideas into reality and contribute to the growth of the Substrate community. With its focus on nurturing talent and promoting innovation, the Substrate Builders Program is a key element of Parity Technologies' mission to create a decentralized and equitable world.

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